My name is Cookie, I have been forging since H3, but I only recently got Gold. I mainly make Racetracks because I enjoy racing in Halo. One of my maps Twisted Waterway was featured in episode 11 of Forge Spotlight by DaItalianFish back before I changed my gamertag to fI RazeR. My greatest forging inspiration would have to be smm2010, even in H3 his maps were so damn smooth.
Welcome to teh forumz, I'm one of the people you have least to worry about. Looking forward to more maps!
Welcome to teh forumz, I'm one of the people you have most to worry about. Looking forward to more maps!
Hi cookie, allow me to welcome you to forgehub, judging from your sig, you look like an Assassins creed fan, that makes two of us. I checked out that racing map of yours and it was not half bad, it looks pretty interesting actually. Anyway, stick by the rules and all that stuff, and the mods wont get you in your sleep. Have a forgetastic day
If your name is cookie, how the hell did you escape from the cookie jar and become a sentient being. you should be in my stomach, not posting on forgehub. shenanigans aside, welcome newcomer, steer clear of the PPC unless you want to become scared for life and read the rules, if you can find them.
Why hello there cookie, I hope you feel right at home here. Feel free to post anywhere. Just not on Berbs maps. Kthxbai.