Introduction Hey there!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xXxGorexJordzxXx, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. xXxGorexJordzxXx

    Senior Member

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    Hey so my real name is Jordan and my username is xXxGorexJordzxXx as you can see above. I got this screenname picked out by my best freind and after she picked it ive been using it for most things.

    Ive been around forgehub for around 9-10 months now, but only as a guest, just downloading soem maps just reading through threads really. So now ive actually decided to start talking and stuff.

    I love video games its really like all i do. Hanging out with freinds. Just chilling and talking making new freinds really.

    I'm 15 year old male and i live in Wollongong, Australia. I'm going to put up a pick once i get my hair cut some time this week. Gonna look so cool ^^

    So i look forward to actually talking to you guys and interacting with the community. I like doing custom games anytime, they are way better than matchmaking. Ive got 3 ideas in my head 2 of which i am making and one i am actually making right now. So ill probaly have a map out within the week maybe?

    Thx gaiz, hope i meet some new freinds and week can have some games.
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    As we'd say in America, "Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool" ;)

    Anyway, welcome good sire. Have fun here at FH.
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, sweet. Another Australian.
    Welcome to forgehub, I'm sure by now you'd have seen the posting standards so I won't bore you with a standard welcome.

    Hope to see you around.
  4. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I believe the name for that is; man.

    Hmm, I couldn't find a better word for that.

    Anyhow, welcome to ForgeHub. If you ever need any help don't be afraid to ask.
  5. forgy bob

    forgy bob Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Forgehub! This place is great for sharing your maps. I hope you enjoy your permanent membership here...te he...
  6. xXxGorexJordzxXx

    Senior Member

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    Nice your Aussie! I would have never known. Hope we get to know eachother.

    Yeah, i read all that standar and rules LONG time ago. :p

    I having trouble getting my next map working >.<
    Im trying to make a hanger wall, kinda like the one on Terminal, well exactly like it but i dont want to just steal that part of teh map and make of it. I want to make it myself and its really hard....

    Ive got all holidays for it so i should get it done soon. O and can anyone else get on xbox live cause its not working ima wait for a day or 2 then try and fix it if it is on my side.

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