Hello im glad to be apart of ForgeHub because theres so much creative work in here that i would love to add to, alongside of that i wish to help and work together with everyone at forgehub to create successful tasks and teams . My xbl GT is XCOnFuSeDeAThX and i am a pretty decent forger and i love building maps on foundry because sandbox is friggin lamo -_- i mean i like it an all but its color is pathetic, if the color and map texture was anything like foundry i'd forge on sandbox all day but apperantly not cuz sandbox sux. Back to the point, im excited to be a member of ForgeHub.com and hope you guys enjoy my pressence and creations,Oh i almost forgot please view my fileshare and download my latest mlg map that i made, its called MLG Tactical and is setup for every game type in halo 3 and also download the mlg gametypes i put to enjoy my mlg map, see you guys in the map sections l8r.