hello i heard about forge hub over the internet so i decided to join, i am a pretty good halo 3 forger. i have over 800+ downloads for my 7 maps i have made. i need to know what i should be aware of and how i can improve forge hub. thanks
Welcome to FH! You'll find that it's a pretty nice place. Just don't be a jerk, and you'll have a lot of fun. As for improving FH, make a bunch of good quality maps and post them here for all to enjoy!
Welcome... Well it's pretty easy to get used to the forums, most of forgehub has nice users that will be glad to help you out if you need any. A way for you to improve forgehub is to read the rules before you post. Another way is to make sure when you post is to always listen to the staff members, also make sure your post is a least a few sentences long. I hope you find everything that you need at forgehub and enjoy your stay. See you around the forums.