Hey Fellow Forgers, I am new to this site, Please Don't treat me or my maps with any disrespect or i will... to your house and...__________! But please don't hesitate to say any comment about how a map was made. So i hope i have a wonderful time on this site
Hi there cool new guy =D I hope you enjoy your time here and if you have any questions or need any help there are plenty of people here that can help you. =]
hello.. i felt like stopping by to say hello to a new member. hey we need a new person or two in off topic.. would you be willing to be active in off-topic? we play stupid games and talk about stupid stuff. posts dont count, but some people disrespect newbies, so i suggest posting in other sections as well (G&A doesnt count either).. you gotta be willing to put up with some haters until they accept you are here to stay
My GT is the same as my profile's name, Ill accept friend requests and Ill hapilly discuss with any troubles you may have with the site.
Welcome! Be sure to check the rules, and don't feed the trolls. Check the customer service forum if you have any questions. Or PM me.