What's up ForgeHub, I'm new here and I've decided to introduce myself. First of all, IRL: I play tennis, live in CA, I'm 11, and I like Halo 3.... (=D NO duh). Anyways, in Halo 3 I'm only a forger of racetracks. I've only made one so far though (Due to the fact that I can only play on weekends). So, if anybody wants to make a track with me I'm free Fri-Sun. So just add me~! Also I'm pretty good at Xbox Live (Rank 41 to be exact) Though I'm not saying I'm better than a general. Hopefully I WILL be posting my track soon. CYA!
Welcome to the forum dude! Read all the rules thoroughly and avoid using that obnoxious text in your post.
Well, it's normal to type in normal lettering without any different col orations and larger font sizes. It's not that it's bad but people find it annoying and obnoxious. Just figured I'd give you the heads up. Also, be sure to read the rules on how to properly post a map before posting it. Otherwise, welcome to the site.
Welcome to the site, man. Hope you like it here and hope you learn a few things while you're looking around the forums. Enjoy your stay and I hope to see your racetrack soon!
Agreed, I have linked a few links of major aspects of the site below. Forum Rules - Forge Hub - Forum Rules Map Database: This is the database of all of the maps on FH, it is very useful if you are looking for a particular map: Forge Hub Map Database As for myself, I am a little new to the site as well, but am here to provide as much helpful information as possible.
Welcome to Forge Hub! You might want to partake in our biweekly gamenight, TGIF. It's a ton of fun and there's always parties for minigames, competitive, racing...whatever you like. I believe the next one is this Friday, though it may be next Friday. Not sure, but keep an eye open on the Announcements section for the signups!
Well, we have fun here and we like to welcome new people into the community and the amazingness that comes along with being a part of it.