Just signed up and I am gonna tell you a bit about myself. I Joined Forge Hub because I wanted a place to have a good database of maps and a place were they can be discussed. I also plan to put up some of my own maps in time. I am also a big fan of testing maps I love trying to get out of places I am not meant to. I have been playing Halo since day one my favorite gametypes are MLG, Big Team, Social Slayer, and Zombies. I just recently final got my 50 in MLG and have not played it since but I am always up for customs. In real life I am a construction worker on highrise resdential buildings. Some of my hobbies are programming in CSS, C, C++, and I know abit of Java. I also do a lot of graphics and website work in Photoshop CS4 and Dreamweaver. My skills in photoshop range from making a professional brochure to a animated signature. I am also a member of Tactical Gaming's Halo Division, we were recently featured on Bungie favorites and Bungies Community Spotlight as well as the Xbox Live Community spotlight. I look forward to being part of this great community. -Comrade
welcome to forgehub if you want to test maps i suggest the maptesters guild and if you just wanto show off some GnA, you can do that here too read the rules yada yada and be good