Hey I'm new in here and really excited to get started...maps on the way..looking for some people to meet to really get into the community.
Welcome dude. Can't wait to see your maps. If you need anything feel free to message me. Happy Posting! FSC RedNeck
hey mate its great to see such enthusiastic new members to our humble little community. ok first things first since your new you should check out our Rules, stick by them and you should do great here. check you should head over to the Forging 101 section thats wher you can get the low down on how forge, (I would still check it out even you know how to forge). and last you should check out these 2 links Here and Here, thats our map posting template and screenshot guide. great to see a new member if youy need any help just message me on here and I'll give you a hand with whatever you need Beefie out!