Hi, I'm new here. I'm pretty ok at making maps. Uuummm... ya. I have XBL, gamertag is weapwnsmaster. I'm open to test maps with you guys.
Dude welcome to the site. Join all of us who love the Forge lol. And you might not want to Forge with me cuz I'm really picky. Really picky lol. But if you wanna do some map testing by all means send me a message or sumthing I'd be happy to offer suggestions. Since I'm in the forge like 70% of my time on Halo it shouldnt be that hard to get ahold of me.
NP. My Gamertag's ProtoFury just send me an invite or sumthing and I'll come see whats going on. Especially if you're stuck or need some help. I'm pretty good at Forge, considering that's basically ALL I do nowadays lol. *Trying to be Modest* lol
No kidding. Everyone is trying to get me into COD4 after they got me addicted to Halo (I never owned Halo 1 or 2) and my question to them is always "Does COD4 have a Forge? Then no I won't play it with you." lol I love the forge with every fiber of my being.