i am new to forgehub, i just got halo 3 for christmas and the first thing i wanted to do was forge, i am very creative i think and i am downloading the heroic map pack right now so i can have the foundry any tips from u seasoned veterans at forging
As far as the site is concerned, try to be helpful and constructive. It's typically far easier to highlight the negative aspects of maps that others post, but spend an extra minute or two to also point out what was well done. Everyone here has invested numerous hours getting their maps into a format that they were willing to submit for public ridicule, so do them a favor and give them a fair chance. Realize that everyone here wants their maps to be popular and well received, but there will be times when yours or somebody else's will be under-performing expectations. We are a community first, so make friends and ask them for quality feedback rather than continually bumping your own threads. People will respect you for your approach and eventually you'll receive your hard earned praise and hatred. The real key is not letting it all get to your head and sticking with what got you there. :squirrel_wink: The posting guidelines are also there for a reason. They may appear tedious and verging on overkill when you first read them, but they're designed to help you. When others view your well organized map postings with easy to navigate links and well-displayed pictures, you will be rewarded with far more downloads. The help I offer you for forging is far simpler: be creative. Read the Forge 101 threads and think about how they can benefit you, but don't assume that they're the only tricks of the trade. Forge hasn't been around for that long, but when it was first released, we didn't know these things. Think outside the box and help discover new techniques. Never assume that the most recent way you've done something is the best. Just because somebody does something differently doesn't mean it's the best or only way. I feel like I should go give a motivational speech now.
Firstly, get the new maps. Even with the flood of Foundry maps, it's such a wonderful place to Forge it's not even funny. Secondly, spend some time going through the 'How To' posts and soak up as much info as you can. There is some insanely helpful information here that will save you all of the headaches that we've already had to go through. Thirdly, if you have any questions, I highly recommend that you go through AZN's posts; there is a 99% chance that you'll find the answers anywhere he posts. The man knows... Welcome aboard and enjoy the Forging!