Introduction Hey Guys

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FSMGProductions, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. FSMGProductions

    FSMGProductions Forerunner

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    FSMG's a small machinima group my friends and I put together a couple years ago. There's four of us in it but it'll mainly just be me (EVODAVE FDMATT on XBL) or Shermanator125 (On XBL) being active on the forums. We're always looking for new communities to try and get to know and we probably should've gotten to now you guys sooner.

    Mainly we joined to get a larger audience for our machinimas, and therefore to get some better feedback. We've also had some pretty awesome times at other play nights scheduled over on the Rooster Teeth forums where Sherm and I are the admins of a Forge Group. Sherm's also a pretty die-hard Forger himself and I'm sure he'll love picking up some Forge 2.0 techniques from you guys.

    Hopefully you guys'll see us posting a good amount and if anybody in the community needs any help on anything machinima or editing related just let us know. Sherm's a bit of an editing whiz so he'd probably be able to help you.

    The worst part about making machinima is starting. People told us to go die in fires for our first couple shorts:haha:

    Pumped for Reach!
  2. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to forgehub, I'm sure you'll put the videos section to good use. Post any machinimas you make there and I'm sure you'll get some valuable feedback.
  3. I Shadowrend I

    I Shadowrend I Forerunner

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    You need some PR?

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