Introduction Hey guys? Anyone wanna play?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by zbeichel, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. zbeichel

    zbeichel Forerunner

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    Hey guys, I dont know if this is the right place to post this, but i know its the right website because all of the maps I have seen or played on have been awesome. I am trying to test out an invasion map that my friends and I have been working on before we submit it to the Forgetacular contest. If anyone wants to play tonight just add me on live and we can get this done. My name on live is moistwombat and we need about 6 people. Thanks guys.
  2. c0gentf0rce

    c0gentf0rce Forerunner

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    What's up?

    Hello, I'd gladly help test your invasion map... although I don't think I'll be able to do it 2 nights ago. Feel free to message me the evening before you want to test it. If you don't find enough people to test it there is a forum here about making films for the contest:

    It will probably be a longer wait, but It'll work!
  3. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Tester's Guild is also available for some extra testing, although be sure to specify you wish to be in the actual test.

    Welcome to Forgehub!

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