Hey just wanted to inroduce myself, im a new member my name/Gamertag is FragTaZtiCK for anyone that wants to play. My real name is Matt I play to have fun I play a variety of different games and like participating in events you might have. Just trying to look for people who play to play and of course like forgeing. I also wanted to get to know the memebers of forgehub better and put my maps to use.
Hi there! You also, said you like participating in events, I see. You should go check out the Forge Hub announcments thread. They have a lot of contests and things there. I hope you enjoy your stay at forgehub!
ohhhhh, icwutudidthar. Nice Well welcome, i hope you like it here. Most of the members are nice here, but some... ehhh not so much. hah. Well i hope you run into only the good ones. And read the rules! Again, welcome.
v Too late... Anyway welcome to FrageHub, (apparently we had a name change) hope your stay here is a good one.
You should see the Graphics and Arts section of the forum, that is Frag Man's turf. I think. Anyways, happy forging, sign up for this week's TGIF, and try not to piss off SargeantSarcasm. You'll learn the ropes soon enough, boy.