Introduction Hey Forge Hub!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by XFennoX, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. XFennoX

    XFennoX Forerunner

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    Hey, I'm new here :) just threw up some maps onto the site, hopefully you guys can have a squiz and criticise. I've been Forging since Halo 3 and now, with Forge 2.0, I can truly make some crazy stuff. Hit me up sometime over XBL if you want to have a Forge session, or just wanna hang out :D
  2. Hello there, first of all, let me just be the first to say welcome to forgehub. If you want to get feedback on your maps, I recommend letting the Testers Guild test your map, give it some reviews, and constructive criticism. Oh, and again, welcome to forgehub, have a nice stay.

    - iiNFamous452​

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