I'm SitriStahl, but I will also answer to Sitri or Frank. I chose this name because its my gamertag. I joined ForgeHub because I wish to get better at mapmaking, and to get my own maps criticized, since I feel the only way to improve on anything is through constructive criticism. I'm 16, I live in Massachusetts, and that is the only information I wish to disclose at the time. My hobbies are playing Halo, Rock Band, and listening to music. I love playing custom games in Halo 3, and hit me up if you ever want to, fair warning though; I really hate infection gametypes, and I tend to stick towards CTF, slayer, and 1-sided assault. My favorite kinds of music are metal, and hardcore techno. I hope to get better at forging through this site, and meet people to help me with my maps.
Cool man. This place is great for improving your map making abilities. There are tons of friendly people, all willing to help and criticize when needed.
Whats up! Ill call you Frank.. Did you hear about this AWEEESOME GLITCH? Ghost merging.. *tear drop There are many CTF,slayer, and one side assult maps around here.. and Im sure theyll give you ideas for future maps. Im Turtle, Welcome to FH
Welcome to forgehub guy. I love the hardcore techno but I've only found one band called bring me the horizon. You got any names for me?