Hello there! My name is Rob and I just wanted to do a quick introduction. This is a joint Forge Hub account for me and my friend, Zach. My GT is Rmc97 and his is zgriffin22, so if the download links in our posts go to different accounts that would be why. Feel free to add us to your XBL friends if you want. We're always looking for people to play with and toss ideas around about forging so hit us up. Deuces, Rob
Good idea to have a joint account, but I don't think it is allowed. Please read the rules about posting your maps and just...posting! PM a colored member if you have any questions.
We just thought it would be simpler to have one account since our maps are usually a collaberative effort anyway. Plus I'm usually the one going through the forums here and doing the uploading and whatnot, he had never heard of this site until I told him about it. I dunno, just seemed to make sense to make one joint account instead of wasting an account that he'd probably never use on his own.
I don't see anywhere where they say it's not allowed but if it isn't then we can just create separate accounts, somebody just let me know, it's not a big deal. Don't bring out the ban hammer on me, please.