hey everyone name is snobird and i am owner of iP Tourneys. Must say the site here is very nice, i have downloaded several maps from here as well. Look foward to being a member here and if you guys have any questions let me know.
Heyzz. Welcome to ForgeHub. It's pretty fun, just don't try and spam. But I have a ?. What kind of turnament are you talking about? But I hope you enjoy FH.
hai thar. welcome to FH. This community is very close and respected, you respect others we will respect you Stay out of trouble and dont spam. Good luck! hope to see you arround the forums!
Welcome to Forgehub. Feel free to look around in all of the subforums. You may find something of interest. Oh, and don't forget to read the rules. :]
thnks guys and iptourneys is my website dealing in tourneys for halo 3 and cod 4 coming soon, i don't wanna advertise or say too much until i have permission though