Well, I'm a new member here, but this is definitely not my first time here. I am WarMenace on Xbox LIVE, I do play a lot of Halo and sometimes CoD4, mostly Halo as that is my favorite game. I'd personally like to thank the people here for making incredible maps and gametypes, I have downloaded LOADS of maps from Forge Hub, such as the remake of Beaver Creek, which, might I say is AMAZINGLY ACCURATE. Anyway, I look forward to meeting you guys and I hope in the near future I might get my own map featured in Forge Hub. I am a novice forger but some of my friends say I have a creative mind and imagination, so the maps you'll see from me might just look funny, or maybe a 24 story map of nothing. Well, I think I annoyed you guys enough and I just stopped by to say hi, so, glad to meet you guys. Isn't anyone in ForgeHub anymore? Ah, well...