um i think it actually shows boob... which i think isn't allowed. either that or i'm just using my imagination and filling in the blanks.
It's a stone statue. Which also happens to be shown in a public place. If you're getting off to statue, than we have a much more serious problem at hand than a stone tit.
STONE TIT STONE TIT STONE TIT lol really jk-ing vinny really like the vintage effect you added to it, and it even emphasizes (at least to me) that she is being up for grabs to the two guys next and above her....she looks purty in it, thanks to you, and doesnt look like a statue, just her face (originally, i thought you made her puropsely look like a statue, but nvrmnd about that) i like the flow, although the top dude kinda cuts it off, and just slightly wish that she was sharper in it
I'm thinking right now what it would look like if I cropped out the top guy, and ran a sharpening tool over parts of it. Anyone agree?
yes, totally agree, but not crop him out though...any way you can keep him in there, and make her a subject to two guys, not just one, and make him within the flow, as well as the dude on the left.....right now it looks like the flow is going / , but this is what the pic looks like _ |__ |/ / _ being the dude on the top, and | being the dude on the left
meh.. im not liking how people are all using "lust" as their theme... you did really good on the effects though... i dont like how you made it a vertical one either.. that goes the same for you haseo
Everyone followed me. D: I was like the second post, and I said "I have an idea for lust!" And then everyone did lust right after me. D: I will go so far as to say that my idea is different. While everyone has a picture of a real girl, none have harvested the magical artistic abilities of Roman Statues.
I see it but I still don't think its against the rules because its a statue and its in a public place. anyway looks great I like how you used the effects...and the overall thing in general(well besides the boob) but thats becase I'm a girl and well it just disturbs me for some reason. Great job
At least I did an anime one. I also believe that you were the second one to post that you had an idea. It just so happens that it is one of the easiest ones to do.
I was anticipating that kids were going to say "ITS PORNOGRAPHIC" and completely avoid the idea in favor of something like Wrath or Sloth. In which case I would debate "artistic nudity, not pornography" which would be futile, because no one would listen. I thought wrong. :-/
Jeez... You always tell me to get rid of the leaves and now you seem to be using them (or something that looks like them) anyway I like the overall effect and...................................................................................................................................... STONE BOOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!