Hey there, I'm Oblivion! My real name is Dean if you want to call me that but otherwise Oblivion or Bliv works fine. I had joined this site a long time ago but pretty much did nothing and so I decided to make this introductory thread since to me, this is basically my first time here. I decided to post on this forum more because of the recent hype of Halo: Reach and my own desire to get into the map making community to discover NEW AND EXCITING maps as well learn how I can make my own unique maps. I like to play most games very competitively but I also enjoy the zany "casual" things such as infection, race and other mini-games. After awhile, my goal is to make at the very least one slayer map, one neutral flag map, one one-sided objective map, one mini-game map and one race map. I found Forge Hub through a member here known as Speed-e-cake whom I'm friends with in real life. He basically introduced me to the art that is community content and the really cool custom content. He eventually told me about Forge Hub and finally decided to join. Although I'm not a good forger right now, I want to learn and get good at it throughout this forum. I think that I have a decent idea of community content as I played Halo Custom Edition on PC which had amazing custom maps and gametypes such as Yoyorast Island and Coldsnap, but obviously these are far to complex for a console-based game without mod tools that relies on host connection. Well anyway, that's me and I hope you guys enjoyed reading my introduction thread. If you want to play some customs and etc. when Reach comes out, add my Gamertag "xShadesPro." In about a month I plan to change it to "Oh Bliv E Un" so you might want to try that gamertag at some point. Also, I have a YouTube channel I started recently in the hopes of eventually uploading useful information about various games such as guides, tips and tricks, showcasing various community content, gameplay commentaries and possibly even a montage here and there. Right now I have pretty much nothing except a series that is designed to help me get better at Halo as a whole. Here's the link. See you around! EDIT: Oh and would it be possible to change my username from "XxOblivion77" to just "Oblivion" or can a moderator/admin do it? The whole Xs and numbers thing was a twelve year old thing and I'd like to get rid of it. The gamertag xShadesPro was to make fun of a kid on Xbox Live and was also just funny for a group of my friends. It's a reference to the Call of Duty: World at War perk known as Shades which is a very useless perk. So yeah. <_< Oh and I added a picture at the top.
To get this changed, PMing an admin would be more successful. Rewelcome, Dean, hope to see you around. Also, Yoyorast Island is amazing, I wonder if someone is going to try and do something in Forge World with it >_>
I saw a thread in the Reach Forge discussion about a Halo CE Remake contest and saw that Yoyorast Island was in there. I really don't think that Forge World will have a big enough ONL or budget, but we'll see. Leave it to the community to find glitches to quadruple the size though.
Don't even bother. All you've used this site for in the last year or two is advertising and self promotion.
As well as lurking and downloading people's map. If you mean advertising my YouTube channel... it's not much to advertise. I posted it in my introduction thread because it was recommended that I talk about myself. :| But I understand where you're coming from. And it is not my intention to use Forge Hub as a means to get big on YouTube. That's what GameFAQs is for.
Hey while bored out of my mind I stumbled across... Well, this. What I'm attempting to get at is that I noticed you live in Winnipeg and SO DO I!!! I am interested to know what part of Winnipeg you live in because. I also live in Winnipeg which I stated above. And nice intro. my fellow Hubber. Good Day To You Sir!