
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by timmypanic, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Hex ( name in progress)

    Hello all, welcome to a preview of one of my new maps. After having trouble testing maps I have decided to make smaller maps to play, mainly for me and my brother to play on, and friends that run customs too. Which helps to test and improve better.
    This map is contained in a hexagon. Very simple design made for 1 v 1's with the ability to hold 2 - 8 players aprox. I have tried to keep this looking as natural as possible.:happy:
    I have 4 health packs, 1 in each bunker.

    I have been making some improvements and it is feeling a lot closer to completion.
    I still feel a little more cover would make this play well, I just need to run some customs to see where needs it best. I have added a roof kind of structure that I'm not sure about, I like it and opinions of it have been positive, it just doesn't seen to fit in the theme.






    > $3000 budget left

    Weapons and vehicals
    Central lazer (120's)
    6 x dmr (30's + 1 clip)
    2 x needler rifle (60's)
    2 x needler (90's + 1clip)
    2 x sniper (180's +1 clip)
    2 x shot gun (120's +1 clip)
    2 x ghost - 120's
    2 x rocket hog (90's)

    4 x health in each bunker.

    I made this mainly for slayer, the 5 structures on the map will help to make this to play well in territories, koth and headhunter.
    I also intend this to play for flag and assault.
    I reforged some of the rock areas and gained 10 rocks which can help with LOS. I also added a cave on either side of river to show flow. (Thanks Psychoduck)
    Ran some tests last night and feedback has been good and it played well and close. The constructive feedback I had was on overpowered weapons that I will look into reducing today.

    I also need to add a soft kill zone for jetpackers.







    Opinions and feedback would be helpful. Thanks for looking
    #1 timmypanic, Mar 25, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012
  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I always enjoy your previews, timmy. You always have such a unique forging style, and this map is no exception. The central building looks very impressive. My only complaint is of the coliseum walls; I think they need some more pop towards them, maybe a window coliseum edge to cap off the top?
  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you. It is very early into this forge, and I have only spent today on it so far.
    The col walls created the outline of this map. I was/am unsure if I was going to add some levels on the walls around. I have been playing around with different patterns and the hexagon will naturally make a star if i line up the angles, as I did in another forge I am working on. I always try to get the layout before I spend too much on aesthetics. I have plenty of budget to see how I can improve the exterior and inject a little more colour. Appreciate the feecback
    #3 timmypanic, Mar 25, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2012
  4. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    Well this is very impressing... I dont think Ive seen you working on this project before. Then again, I havent been playing reach that often. As usual, you let your imagination take over and build things most forgers couldnt be able to pull off. This goes for the unique way you use pieces in order to build up the aesthetic theme as well as conserving to make the map fit all of the needs of players.
    Ps. I love that wheel thing. Sadly IDK the name of it but I knew what it was right away and thats why I like your attention to detail. Cant wait till its out. :)
  5. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This could very well be the first map you've made that offers reasonably competitive gameplay and lacks game breaking frame drops! Sweet! Looks great dude.
  6. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh man, Timmy, this looks great. I think you should add some more structures to the map, but overall, this looks very nice.
  7. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    Seriously, I love all your work, although most of your maps designed for gameplay seem to have a case of the framerate gremlins. This would work fine as a simple aesthetic map, but being able to play on it would be even cooler!
  8. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks ! Yeah this is brand new and I only started on it yesterday. Using a great spot of land that has done well in other maps (beaver/jackal creek) I started with the bunkers and thought it was a good idea, and afterwords started with the rotation ha. The water wheel structure brakes up the map and lines of sight and looks like something in the stream. Also I am in no rush to release this but I am happy to show you this and the new petra when your online.

    Edited by merge:

    Yeah I am trying to keep things simple on this. I know I leer towards aesthetics that can cause fr problems. I will be testing and tweeking this as much as possible and getting official testing to make sure it is up to scratch. Thanks

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks man! I have added a little more to the structures, adding railings on the top of the bunkers. In some of the areas between the bunkers I want to create some cover and areas to do battle without feeling wide open. Out of sandbags, cover and crates I guess. I will see what I can come up with.

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks :D
    I will keep the fr problems top priority on this. I will be playing a lot of split screen play on it so I do want it to play well with out the framerate. I haven't added any gametypes yet, just spawning for slayer so far. I intend to add koth, terr,headhunter, infection, flag & assault
    #8 timmypanic, Mar 26, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2012
  9. Zatherla

    Zatherla Sweet Lemonade
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    Timmy, the map looks phenomenal. I say that with the $3500 left you can make it alot better. For example, you can add details to the walls around the map, other then the usual wall colliseums that everyone uses. What I also notice is that when you took out the roof structure, you also removed the window colliseum trimming that came along with it.. I do not know why you did that but i think it added alot of 'personality' to the wall, i guess. It just made the wall look less grey.
    Now the good parts. There is too many to list so ill just name a few. The water-wheel-thing for one, great adition to the map, the textures on it look amazing and it looks as if it is all one forge piece, on the other hand, the water wheel has no pegs sticking out of it as most water wheels that i've seen, i don't know if it is a modern water wheel with a friction-coating making the water spinning it or something, but this is what im talking about:
    Maybe to get this sort of effect, you can bring all of the 1x1 shorts closer to the center of the wheel, making the 5x1's or the 3x1's (whichever you used) stick out of it like the ones in the picture. I'm not trying to be picky but it would help the aesthetics and bring the map that much closer to perfection. Another thing that I really liked on this map is how you made the man-made land symetrical to that other part that everyone uses in their map. It was ingenious and you pulled it off great. I can't wait to download this map and play it, great job, again, Timmy.
  10. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    I'm thinking infection would be cool on this map, seeing as it would be very unbalanced as far as I can tell for any sort of team game, they'd only have to hole up in the main wheel house.
  11. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I agree with Schnitzel's post. The map is very simple, but could still make for some interesting gameplay. I also agree with Sky, in that, with a few tweaks, this could make for a pretty cool infection map.

    With such a focus on aesthetics though, I feel like there should be grates in the outer walls for the water to flow through, as it sort of breaks the immersion when there's water randomly flowing out of a solid wall. I'd try to do something to remedy that, since you have remaining budget anyways.
  12. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    This sounds like an excellent idea. You could use some of the small antennas and create some drainage gates and stuff in the walls. Maybe by raising the height of all the coliseum walls a little and using other blocks around the bottom. This would probably make it look like the water is running away into a drain if you added some piping on the other side that dipped down into the water.

    A quick idea based on this: You could have the zombie initial spawns at these water gates to make it seem like they're coming from the sewers.
  13. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks, I am about to do some more improvements. First the col walls. I could easily change them, braces would look good, kind of like how isolation was made, but that would take 60 braces if done verticaly and the number of pieces would cause framerate. I agree they could look better and I will look into an efficient way to make them look better.
    My main priority tonight is to get the central building structured better. The idea with the side of the water wheel in your pic could work and I will try a few ideas. Also I see what you mean with the way the wheel works and lowering the short 1 x 1 's to create the fins. Appreciate the feedback :)

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks! I really like the idea of emphasising the water flow, I will see what I can do.
    #13 timmypanic, Mar 26, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2012

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