Here's a map I am close to finishing. The premise of the map is that long ago, a massive ship of unknown alien origin came out of a slipspace rupture in the wrong place, crashing into and partially merging with ancient rock formations and a beach front. Debris is scattered everywhere, and the broken hull looms over most of the map, but the engine room survived intact, adrift on the ocean. Covenant and human troops took up residence later, adding the necessary structure to convert chaos into a manageable war zone where they fight over the alien technology. This started with basically an aesthetic concept (the crashed ship and an adjacent base set inside a cave) but has hopefully transformed into a full-on competitive map. I'm going to try to round up testers soon to make that happen. So far I've only set up a few gametypes though, more work remains. I am going for a very atmospheric experience, so the map has twilight-level lighting, parts of it are chest deep in or completely under water, and parts of it (mainly the cave base) are very dark for probably a few good scares. I know the map looks easily breakable with jetpacks, but I've carefully set up soft kill zones in hopefully every place that could be gotten to - mainly on top of the camo cave seen in the fourth screenshot - and tried to put up some obstacles to make it obvious to players that where they are trying to go isn't part of the natural play area. Everything that's not in a soft kill zone, which is most of what you see here, is considered fair game. And several places encourage players to go a lot higher than you'd think. Screens: Cave base from inside: A separate cave area with camo, rockets, teleport into the cave base: Underwater rooms, with teleport into the engine base (and sniper rifle nearby): Map overview
Thank you, will do! I'm looking at testing either tonight (like 8 or 9 Eastern) or maybe in the afternoon tomorrow, will that work for you?
Looks like I'm going to run this tomorrow evening, hopefully you'll be online then. I should have a few friends but anyone else that wants to test is welcome - ideally I'd like to do 4 vs. 4 for a few games. That seems like about the right team size.