Hero's Domain - Get your Screenshot Professionally Rated

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by Hero, Mar 20, 2009.

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  1. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Screenshot title: Green Fog
    Map: Avalanche
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): 02/09/09
    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: I agree to respect and learn from it. Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamtertag: Black Theorem

    click for link to B.net
    #81 Black Theorem, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  2. Shmahogenfogen

    Shmahogenfogen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Optional Screenshot Review Request - Shmahogenfogen

    I know I just submitted the other picture. I just want both to be reviewed. If you don't wish to, that is okay with me. If you're only going to do one, then do whatever one you think you would enjoy reviewing more. However, these two screenshots are my personal favorites and if you could review both that would be great. Thanks! ~Shmahogenfogen

    Screenshot title: Spartan Ghost
    Map: Heroic Map (Ghost Town)
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): 6/15/2008
    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Of course.
    Gamtertag: Shmahogenfogen

    Spartan Ghost- "Some people used to say Spartans never rest. Maybe this one never has..."

    #82 Shmahogenfogen, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  3. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To everyone that applied: I said clearly on the first post on the front page that I'm not accepting applications at this time as the waiting list is full.
  4. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hero's Domain Review for: DimmestBread

    Screenshot name: "Contrast" and can be found on page 4.

    Originality: Well I don't know whether to say if this was original or not because of the fact that pretty much nothing caught my attention. Then I noticed that it was on campaign which increased my interest...slightly. Good campaign screenshots are hard tocome by, and difficult to stage.

    Effects used: Hmm... from this view it looks as if no effects were used. No explosions, weapons, or objects to be found. It looks as if you merely stood in front of...whatever is behind you. As there are no effects can be found, it would be unfair for me to judge of effect mechanics.

    Camera Angle: A very simple camera angle. With the lack of effects, the angle comes off as a bit boring. The one thing I like about it was the fact that you included interesting scenery in the backround. Not the best choice, but the best you probably could have done on campaign.

    Style: The fact that it's on campaign raises it's appeal some. However, I don't like to encourage the simple use of 1 figure and 1 piece of scenery. The entire style of the shot is kind of drab. It just seems that anyone could pull off this shot, which is not what you want to have in a screenshot.

    Lighting: Pretty standard lighting throughout. The only difference in lighting would be the white strips going across the top of the screen. Once again, the lighting is very simple and gives the screenshot a sort of amateur look.

    Blending: Probably the strongest point of the screenshot. I like how it blends from blue to green. The whole picture seems to meld together because of the blue glow off the armor.

    Overall Presentation: It was an ok screenshot overall. Everything was pretty ordinary and didn't impress me to much. The fact that it was in campaign was kind of cool because that type of color in the backround was kind of hard to find.

    I give your screenshot a rating of: 4/10
  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You really dig screenshots Hero. That's pretty unique of you, seeing as nobody else would ever put the effort into this thread, like you have.

    Anyways, the reason I'm posting is to ask if you would refrain from posting in white. It's sincerely agitating for anyone using the "Old School" skin. - I'd pm you, personally, but this way maybe I'll educate a random or two.
  6. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ahh I see. Being new to the site, I hadn't a clue that black was the new skin. I will do as you requested.
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    okay, I have a new picture which, reluctantly, includes effects seeing as you won't review screens without effects. There:


    (I hate effects btw, they're so standard and boring. Always just some guy standing in front of something holding a sniper)

    EDIT: It looks better on my File Share.... Actually, it looks good on my file Share when you look at it while playing Halo 3. Then the warthog looks black.

    EDIT 2: Forgot the info template thing:

    Screenshot title: No name, but it was called "Through the fire and the flames" until I heard about Dragonforce's song...
    Map: Campaign (Mission: Halo)
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): No idea, it was taken offline.
    Was your screenshot staged: Nope. We just jumped.
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yep. My friend AnnoyingMonster is on the back, but I took the shot.
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: As long as you actually rate it this time.
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yeah, sure
    Gamertag: EpicFishFingers​
    #87 EpicFishFingers, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  8. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't know whether you meant it like this, but that sounds like an insult. Standard and boring? You must not understand the thousands of ways you can tweak a screenshot to display what you want. They are fair for boring. Not quite the opposite: they add character to the shot.

    Anyhow the waiting list is full so I'm not accepting applications, which can clearly be seen on the frontpage.
  9. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's not necessarily an insult, more just my opinion on screens with effects. I just don't like the standard "sniper-holding Security-helmet guy standing in front of an explosion". Admittedly, some are pretty good, but I prefer non-staged luck screenshots. Staged screens don't take much skill, so I prefer the luck side of it. But I respect your opinion too, sorry for being derogatory.
  10. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hero's Domain Review for: Halo Orlando

    Screenshot name: "Darkened View" and can be found on page 4.

    Originality: Usually in screenshots, a person will decide either to have an explosion/effects in the backround, or just a simple backround that they think is cool. Few times do you see the use of both a backround and an effect. That's what I like about yours: the explosion is so similar to the backround that it almost looks apart of it.

    Effects used: Obviously an explosion was used. This is all fine and dandy, as explosions can offer a lot to a shot. The single effect does make the shot look a bit more simplistic which I try not to do, but you seemed to pull it off partly-well.

    Camera Angle: The camera angle is ok. It's a good angle for the person in ratio to the explosion, but it did brighten up the shot a bit to much for a "dark" screenshot.

    Style: The style was ok, though it's been done several times before. Battle rifles, however formitable, are used is most of the screenshots. Might I suggest using glowing weapons like the sword, plasma rifle or pistol? I think those have some promise to make a good screenshot, with the right effects.

    Lighting: Probably the weakpoint of the screenshot. It's too bright to be a dark screenshot and too dark to be a bright screenshot, so you're kind of stuck in limbo.

    Blending: The blending was well done. I liked the slight orange glow coming off the helmet. It helps the character blend with the explosion, and gives him depth. Also, I'm liking the different shades of white across his forearm and wrist. This also helps with the depth of the person because it creates shadow.

    Overall Presentation: It was a nice screenshot. A bit standard but well made. The simple effect did give it a bit of a simplistic outlook, which isn't nessessarily a bad thing. Your strongpoints are blending and angle, while your weakpoint is lighitng.

    I give your screenshot a rating of: 6/10
    #90 Hero, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  11. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nvm, forgot it was full... -_-

    but around when will it be open?
    #91 toasted kittuns, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  12. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When I am down to 5 people on the waiting list. Then I will open it again.
  13. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hero's Domain Review for: NYYanks33

    Screenshot name: "Untitled" and can be found on page 4.

    Originality: Well, there have been many white-washed screenshots done before, so it's not to impressive to see another one. However, usually when someone doesn't a screenshot like that, the lighting is so bright that the player over-blends into the white which is not the case of this screenshot. So, although you don't get many points for originality, I can foresee you getting some points later on in lighting and blending.

    Effects used: Well I would guess, being Cold Storage, that some special effects were used, maybe juicy or pen and ink. I would think it is also acompanied by a gernade of some sort. Although I might not know the exact composition of the effects, the result is clear: a clean white-washed shot. White usually means the death of a screenshot, because of how unattractive it is. Your screenshot seems to have the guy suspended in purgatory.

    Camera Angle: The camera angle is alright. Don't like it, but I don't hate it. Your angle turns focus away from the figure, which is what you should be focused on, to the sniper rifle. This diminishes the value of the shot because now you have less emotion.

    Style: This style of screenshot has been done many times. I like to call them reverse-silhouette shots because instead of the figure being unseen, it's everything around him. These shots are hard to pull off most of the time because of the shear brightness invovled. You pulled it off nicely.

    Lighting: Well there are two different types of screenshots: bright and dark. Bright usually focus more on emotions and inspiration while dark ones focus more on hardcore action. Although the shot lacks emotion, the sense of lonliness can erect inspiration from someone that may have a similar situation.

    Blending: The slight use of blending is actually a good thing when it comes to bright screenshots, especially in white-washed shots. If it were too bright, the figure would have barely been seen, which would have ruined the shot. The slight blending across his helmet is enough to leave me mildly impressed.

    Overall Presentation: All and all a decent screenshot. No where close to the best I've seen but not the work of an ameteur.

    I give your screenshot a rating of: 5/10
  14. Downrush

    Downrush Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Was your screenshot staged:Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot:Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating:Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you:Yes

    Screenshot Name: Sprint

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    k um i know what im talkin bout itz a mod for sandbox in crypt. there are multiple grids in forge and if you can prove me wrong more power to you. but imma right and your worng game over man
    #95 NUKEZILLA, Apr 2, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  16. Mero90

    Mero90 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    And you can also do that with shields, so you may be right, but kittuns did it without manipulating the game
  17. ubersyntax

    ubersyntax Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot title:
    Map: Avalanche
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): 02/01/09
    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamtertag: Konnichiwaaa
    #97 ubersyntax, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  18. Miraj

    Miraj Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot: Campaign
    Map: The Covenant
    Date: Can't Remember
    Staged: No
    Author: Me
    Agree not to Flame: Yes
    Patience with rater: Yes
    Gamertag: Im SiC NaStY
  19. The Demons Den

    The Demons Den Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Was your screenshot staged:Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot:Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating:Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you:Yes
    Gamtertag:The Demons Den

    Screenshot Name: Blood Horizon

  20. Epic Win

    Epic Win Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Title: Concept Flamethrower
    Map: Avalanche
    Staged: Yes
    Sole Creator: Yes
    Agree to not flame rating: Yes
    Patient for Rating: Yes
    Gamertag: Kholdstare000
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