Yes most of us forge hubbers will probly have them already but, to let anyone else know, THE HEROIC MAPS ARE FREE RIGHT NOW! Go get them and make some sick ass maps right now!
Which is total bullshit because I had to spend 10$ on it... NO REFUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You knew they'd eventually be free when you bought them, or at least Bungie made that clear. If you're honestly that pissed about it, you only have yourself to blame.
This now prevents custom games from being destroyed when half the people don't have the new maps and they have to be kicked.
Considering $10 is cheaper than a steak at Applebee's, I don't see how the map pack was "bullshit" at all. Like Ty already said, you knew they'd be free in the Spring.
Wow, Perfectdark got down'd. 0 - 2 for him. Anyways, I just downloaded them on Rejecting You. I can now download Foundry maps from Forge Hub! (YAYS) I was originally going to buy them with the MS points I got from the 1v1 Showdown, after all, that is the reason I entered the competition, for the MS points.
Haha finally. I started work on my masterpiece this afternoon... which consists of five rockets, poorly aligned walls, easily escapable walls, and a fleet of ghosts! jk Its gonna be awesomez you knows it.
brace yourselves, bungie put a link to us and released foundry free in one week. it's gonna be worse than teh apec summit (australian joke)
we got chas to set up a (whatever it is that the chasers do cause it's not really a it prank) for our school flop and it was GREAT!!! CHASERS FTW!!!
So, if theres been a link to us and now we are going to get a flood of new forgers, can't we havea subforum for the new people only where the can post their maps. Then when they get realy god or w/e, a mod says that they can post in normal forum? That way all the maps from us dont get overlooked by noob crap?
premiums section is for people who have 100 posts and over and unfortunately some people spam their way in but your a good boy so you'll eventually get therr