Ugh! I would have mine right now, however my mother (Being the creative woman that she is) Though that I would study better for finals if she took away the power cable to my xbox. So now I can download or play them until this weekend! How can I wait that long? -Donuts
Yah finals suck, but I can't play on weekdays, so I had to sneak to our game room and do it at 4:30 am. Then I came back at 5 and loaded each one up once. They take a while to load the first 30%, but I think that is just a one time thing.
I shall download the maps to my 120 Gig HDD as SOON as i arrive home, far away from the depths of the alternate hell known as school. STANDOFF...let me play you... :-* ;D
since im not allowed on weekdays either, im waiting for maps to DL, then I go screw around on foundary.
I plan to get them once my exams are over. They will be too big of a distraction and I wouldn't study at all.
Foundry's default configuration in matchmaking kind of sucks. At least the matches I played on it last night.
I got them, I'm a little disapointed with Foundry though. It's really small and that open area is very small and has an annoying low ceiling. Also you can't place that many objects. I was expecting a little more. It is pretty cool the things you can make with it, I'm already tired of Halo/Halo 2 remakes.
I was dissapointed in standoff..BLOOD GULCH/COAG remake my ASS!!, LOOK HOW SMALL IT IS, it takes just about 2-3 seconds to get from one base to the other, what a waste of a good remake :/
Standoff isn't a remake. It was more a "spritual successor" like Guardian is to Lockout. I will say the one match I've played on Standoff was a bit ridiculous (CTF) but it was mostly becuase one of our idiot team mates opened the "back" door for the other team. The bases ar well defendable, and it's a pretty well though out map, not to mention one of the more viually pleasing ones.
I hate how the flag is the first thing at the base... it should be put farther back. Every time I played CTF, it did not go throught the base. I went in the front door, grabbed it and took a ride back...
This is where I shall say "Please stop making maps on foundry, or if you do make sure they are spectacular because you must try to stand out and not spam our forums with bad maps"
Yeah... make them like my foundry maps !!! LOLZ!!! But seriously... make sure they are either perfect, or a unique idea... if not then don't post it...