I like the second one the best. The explosion and the green of the regenerater seem to go along perfectly with the pose that seems pretty heroic and bold.
The first is boring 3/5 The third one is ... left too bright, bad perspective 2.5/5 But the soncond one looks really good. It is a very good perspective, and this one tiny spark in front of the helmet makes it somehow very interesting. Imagine it without this one green spark... Still the same? 4.5/5
I agree with you. I like the green effect you have on these pictures. I really brings out the good quality.
Those look pretty good. My personal favorite is the first one. The effects look really nice. The last one is mediocre but they all seem to be of high quality. Nice job on that.
OH EHM GEE, Y00 S70L3 T3H NAM3 0F WUN O MY P1X0RZ!!!1!11!! yeah, I just thought that was a nice coincidence =D (please appreciate how much time and effort I put into typing all of that) ANYWAY, the first picture is alright, nothing special. Second picture is my favorite, I love the pose and there's just the right amount of the character being shown and the lighting is pretty good. Third one is kind of random, the only "special" thing about it is that there's an explosion, and it's not even being used well, it's practically just an ordinary bright light. 1st pic: 3/5 2nd pic: 4.3/5 3rd pic: 2/5
These pics are okay...but at it looks like you did was throw a generator during matchmaking and started taking pics... :S srry i don't really like them 2nd on is prbbly the best though 3/5 for all of them.