I have once again another idea for a map that im too lazy to make. This map is a close quarters map. you can make it anywhere. In this map there arer lots of hallways and rooms almost like an apartment building. everybody in the game is completely invisible and has shotguns and brs or sumthing. No radar. In the hallways there are lots of objects. so watch your footing or you will give your position away. probably free for all would be cool. not too big of a map or people will never find eachother. it will be really funny when people bump into eachother in a mid air jump and crap emselves. LOL. this is a free idea go and experiment YAY!!
I kinda have a map like that in the works... but its a hotel... still working on it ...but if you want to you can check it out... that is a great idea... also i may make more of the map towards that...
Thanks. I'm gona start a forum tomorow giving away all my ideas. it will include detailed pictures on how the maps should look. The only rules will be that the map must be put on forgehub.com and have my name in their somewhere. ill have more detailed stuff later
I would say just keep it in this topic, and update the first post. I know from experience that forums whose topics are about other forums just doesn't work out right. Which is the reason that I no longer run a board.
It sounds like it'll be fun for only a couple of run-throughs. After that, it'll get dull because the hordes of thousands of B.net will copy your idea and screw it up in the most seemingly-impossible way.
yeah i guess ur right. hmm i wana find the energy to release my last map pack for retirement. then ill just lay back give people ideas. help out on the forums. review peoples maps. maybe ocasionally go into a forge session and give opinions.