A few months ago, Bungie released the Mythic II map pack. Longshore and Citadel are great, but Bungie's Halo 3 remake of Halo 2's Midship disappointed me. Why? In my opinion, Midship was never that good of a map to begin with. I only liked two things about it, the bouncy platform and the destructible grav lifts under the platform, and they removed both of those in the Halo 3 version. So what do you think? I think they should have remade something better, like Coagulation from Halo 2. State opinions here.
Midship is the epitome of competitive simple design. I'm just disappointed it wasn't around when it was easier to get a Halo game together. It also fits a nice spot in the 2-8 player area, which is pretty weak in H3's lineup.
Midship should have been released with the game or at least in the first map pack. The only issue as insane said was that it was too late to really be useful.
Meh I never cared for Midship in halo 2 but I knew a lot of people who loved it. I wish there was an Ivory Tower remake though. That map was awesome.
90% of H2 maps were awesome and deserved remakes. That was the problem with the H2-H3 transfer, the maps just didn't compare.
Definitely. Even "bad" maps like waterworks were still awesome in their own regard, especially when you compare them to Halo 3 maps.
No they do not. We know rely on the excellence of some of our communitys forgers to provide us with the rest.
Like Chris said, I never heard it either. Just because they never said it doesn't mean they never will. It's possible but that doesn't mean it's likely to happen even though most people would like more remakes from their favorite maps from Halo 1 and 2.
They also said ODST was going to be the last halo game, at one point. They change their minds a lot. As for Heretic, I too don't think its that great of a map. Nor did I really like the original. its just kind of a blah map to begin with, at least in my opinion. The exception I'll make is FFA swords on that map can be a load of fun. To be honest, I don't like longshore that much either. I was expecting something BIGGER, along the lines of a valhalla or sand trap. Its asymmetric, so some gamestypes (multiflag, neurtal assault) that are especially good in big team are out. it has no warthog in matchmaking either.... However, I know some will say "do we really NEED another big map with hogs and two bases?" and I guess they'd have a point. --- Really? both sucked? Sandtrap is i think my favorite big team map of h3! to each his own I guess....
The key part of that sentece is H3. If you compare them to the big maps of H2 they both sucked, the big maps of both H1&2 were far better.
Bungie stated that all of the Reach multiplayer maps are going to be based off of areas that were visited in campaign. This doesn't mean that they will not visit somewhere with a resemblance to an previous map from Halo:CE-Halo 3, but a good number of them will definitely not be the same theme if this happens (because most are located on Halo rings). And about the OP, yea, I do kinda think that it is a bit of a rip off. Mainly because Heretic is so tiny that it could probably be replicated exactly in forge. Besides the theme, almost every part of the map could be the same (in terms of gameplay). I would have preferred something new or a remake of a better map. FACT
I clearly know what Reach will consist of, I said in my post "if Bungie plans on making any more remakes after the release of Reach?" So what I was meaning is that if they have any intentions of releasing dlc remakes, like they did just so in Halo 3.
I'm sure if bungie remade a map, they would remake it with the context and lore of Reach. I'm sure there is possibly some part of the planet Reach that oddly resembles Installation 04's gulch.. lol
Opinion, actually. I personally like pretty well every H3 BTB map. Guess I'm a freak. They could be based off a place in Reach campaign aesthetically, but simply a re-skin of an old Halo map, much like Lockout to Blackout. I never really liked Heretic when found in MM, but in customs and MLG variants, when there were BR starts, it was just right. ARs turned this gem into a polished turd, shiny, but still a turd. Sure, some people would rather H:CE or H2 map X, but then others would still want another map, so you really can't please everyone, especially when it comes to re-makes. Look at MW2's Stimulus maps, for example, I wanted Vacant. I didn't get it, and don't really care for IW's choices over Vacant, but I don't really mind.