Earlier yesterday on the Bungie.net forums, I made this thread talking about how I went back to some of the older Halos looking for ways to improve maps in Reach in some way. In here I mention that I was working on remaking Hemorrhage. Well after working much of yesterday and today, I've finished. Version 1 at least. Hemorrhage Classic V1 What I've done is gone back through Hemorrhage, actually starting from scratch (trying to delete the mess Bungie has of spawns and Objectives is a nightmare), and built the map from the ground up for BTB and 4v4. You cannot play Multi-team, but FFA and 2 Team games still work. While I tried my best to endeavor to stay true what Bungie had made in Hemorrhage in the past, I was forced to make several concessions and changes, due to both the size of Hemorrhage (its quite a bit larger than either Blood Gulch or Coagulation) and some personal "artistic" inspiration to try and slightly balance things out. In addition, unlike Bungie I was far more liberal with Killzones - Hemorrhage Classic is damn near, if not completely, inescapable. Also, many camping zones for the Sniper have been covered up because of the ridiculous advantage they afford the the Cliff-side team, and because they're overall cheesy. Snipers have enough power on Hemorrhage without needing to have almost un-assault-able sniping perches that afford a near-perfect view of the map. I also made several major changes to weapon/vehicle spawns and placement. The complete list is: DMR x4 - 15 seconds in-base, 30 seconds elsewhere Needle Rifle x2 - 15 seconds Concussion Rifle x2 - 60 seconds Magnum x4 - 30 seconds Plasma Pistol x2 - 30 seconds Plasma Rifle x2 - 30 seconds Needler x 2 - 30 seconds Sniper Rifle x2 - 120 seconds, 1 Extra Magazine Shotgun x 2 - 90 seconds, 2 Extra Magazines Rocket Launcher x1 - 90 seconds, 1 Extra Magazine Grenade Launcher x2 - 60 seconds, 5 Extra Grenades Warthog, Chaingun x2 - 60 second respawn Ghost x2 - 60 second respawn Mongoose x4 - 30 second respawn Wraith x 2 - 150 second respawn Unfortunately, some things like the Banshee and Scorpion proved too be to hard to work in (Banshee) or too powerful (Scorpion + Banshee), mainly due to both the increased size of the map and the vehicle's power. The reason I've made this map is because I believe that the changes inspired by the older versions will provide better gameplay. Infantry have significantly more cover, not stranding people who don't have vehicles. Teleporters are no longer death traps, as they have cover and are closer to their original positions. Objectives are laid out to try and be a bit more fair. Weapons spawns tweaked to work better, IE: Rockets actually in the center of the map, Concussion Rifle spawns where Brute Shot did in Halo 2, etc. Vehicles like the Warthog spawn more often, but increased cover and options to deal with them give infantry a better chance. My concerns are mainly about spawns; this is the first time I've ever had to do the spawns for a BTB map, and therefore they may be....wonky. In addition, I don't think Bungie should (or even would) wholesale accept my version of the map. I just believe that many of the changes are A: Honestly Good for the map and B: Address many of the complaints people have about the map without going overboard. You might not like my spawns, or think that the Warthog spawns too fast. You might not like my Objective placement, but thats ok. All I ask is that you (Bungie) honestly consider it, and at least think about it. I can't really playtest it myself; I don't even have 16 people on my friends list, much less 16 people willing to go through the vigorous testing that a map requires. But I did what I thought I could. After all, what I've done is exactly what you (Bungie) said would happen in your Halo 3 Forge Vidoc; I thought a map you made could use fixing, and here it is, fixed as I think I can for now. And for those who like some pictures before they buy, I'll do you one better; MOVING PICTURES. I've rendered this short SD (I only had 5 render minutes) of my taking a short tour of the map, and showing off some of the improved killzones. Also, getting stuck behind a tree like an idiot. <iframe src="http://www.bungie.net/Silverlight/bungiemediaplayer/embed.aspx?fid=12335448" scrolling="no" style="padding:0;margin:0;border:0;" width="640" height="360" ></iframe>