I have noticed that objects can be geomerged into foundrys back hall way. For a map im going to make I would apprieciate if someone could put a fence wall in the door between the left and right side. If someone could do this for me on a budget glitched map that would be great. Full recognition would be given when i post the map
BloodFire has a tutorial on how to do this on his youtube channel Can't remember what his series was called though, sorry. You should definately check it out though, its very in depth
It's quite easy actually. Put you fence well up to the door hole Put 2 doors on it, put one on top of the other Go around into the back room, grab the wall, and without letting go.. save and quit. Viola!
Hmm try this. Place the fence wall right in front of the door you want interlocked and try to brace it really well. Then right when it goes through, save and quit. Start the game back up and see if it turned out well. if it didnt try it again
I never really like the fence wall method. I think using the door would be much easier for most geomerges. But if I'm sounding like and ignorant nub I apologize.