I have been quite active with forge these past few weeks and have made countless maps (well i've begun them but have gotten stuck on ideas) My latest creation and hopefully my best yet, Subway, has been loaded up countless times in forge without any real production... in fact as i'm writing this, i am sitting there in forge mode staring at the semi-blank canvas. I was wondering if any good forgers (i won't take anyone who hasn't produced a map or their maps produced quite frankly suck! (i'll judge that part)) I wanted to make a map that has great gameplay, a visual effect that makes the player feel like their in a subway, and some nice aescthetics (geormerging, interlocking(i'm not the best with geo merging, but then again it's my first time doing it)) And i am hoping that the final product will be satisfactory. If anyone is interested please just post your replies here! (Oh, and sorry if this is in the wrong thread, i just thought that posting this is the maps section would be worse)