The wall is eating me! Link to File Just a random shot I took during a game on Orbital, when this happened, someone on the other team said I sucked so bad that even the wall killed me. I loled and decided to make the shot out of it I tried using it to win that contest from awhile back, but thought I may as well post it anyway.
Hahaha this is actually pretty funny. It looks like he is protecting his balls from the top :happy:. Weird that this actually happened online.
hehey that is funny. look like the gate is gonna crush is spartan nuts!! ps-also look like hes tryin to jerk it a bit too...
Haha wow this is one of the first times I've actually laughed at a funny shot on here. Usually I think they are kinda dumb but I actually think this one is funny!! Maybe its just because I'm extremely tired right now but... LOL!