I've made a map at Last Resort, where players start falling out of the sky, inside containers. The problem is, I set all of the containers and scenery inside the containers never to respawn, so players don't fall twice. Around 30 seconds after the containers and scenery fall, at the point they normaly respawn, they dissapear. I've also tried setting them on instant respawn, but it does exactly what I want to avoid, it spawns again.
me and shock worked on this a bit a while ago and it seemed the best way was to set the respawn on 180. that way it will only respawn every 3 minutes, but it will stay still for those 3 minutes
What you have going on is something that I really hate. It happens to any object that is moveable that is touched while placing something next to it. It will then cause the object touched to disappear after so long, and then respawn. The only way to avoid it is to be very careful while placing objects down. Otherwise, you will have objects disappearing every 5-180 seconds, depending on the respawn time.