Ok, in Halo 3, I have 870 out of 1000 gamerpoints. And if my strategy guide is correct, I should have the security shoulders, but I don't! Does anyone know of this problem/can help me?
To be serious, I think all you can do is earn another achievement, and it should eventually unglitch.
I had a friend who got security shoulders at around 500 points and then lost them again. I've also had security shoulders appear and disappear a few times. They're just really glitchy so try getting a new achievement and they should appear.
Perhaps you didn't get the right achievement for them The armor sets are not done just by how many achievement points you have mate, With the exception of security helmet and Katana body. Certain achievements unlock certain armor.
They're just glitchy, the same thing happened to me, once you get some more achievements they'll come back.
just uh unlock every acheivement and you should be good.. 870/1000, what are you missing? legendary+scoring?
Its a glitch or something sometimes people get them from 300-1000G but they can be unlocked and lost.At 1000G they are unlocked permanently, fixing the bug. =]