ok this my first post but here we go i am makin a map and i have finished it all spawn points all weapons all gametypes EXCEPT safe haven i have done all that is required but when i start a safe haven gametype 90% of the time no safe haven comes up and the 10% that it does come up with a safe haven hill after the 15 seconds the next hill fails to come up i need help can anyone either tell me wat im doin wrong? or add me on xbox live gamertag KIRBSTAR and help me out with this plz thank u
A couple of things to check: -Are all of your Safe Havens gametype-specific? -Are all of your Safe Havens labelled with the correct game type label? -Do all of your Safe Havens have a Spawn Order of 0? (This one in particular I think might be the issue) Good luck.
yes yes and yes so idk why its doing this [br][/br]Edited by merge: any other ideas? once this is done ill be uploading on my fileshare it just needs this one last thing