I'm trying to convert the seasons of RvB to an iPod compatible format using WinAVI Video Converter, and while some of the videos turned out fine, the majority end up skewed horribly, and I have no idea why. The same videos consistently do this, so it isn't a fluke in the conversion process. If anyone could offer some advice on how to fix this, or let me know of another good video converter, I would greatly appreciate it. What the final product looks like:
WinX HD Video Converter is great but I have had a few problems with it. I feel your pain though cause I've had trouble converting almost every Throwdown video. Handbreak is the program that finally worked for me and it was an amazingly fast and easy process. The problem is likely your software because I've had much experience over programs not working these past few months, lol. I would just download Handbreak for Windows and see if that works. Oh and btw Shaddo, seeing your sig, you should definitely check out the video I made for Acacia
Handbrake can't even open the files. Well, I'm guessing that is the problem. The output file is a 0.00 minute long black screen... My guess is the files are corrupt or something and that conversion is impossible.