Hey guys, I was hoping to get some help with an issue i was having involving Territories objects in forge. I set flag stands as terr_obj and kept it a neutral object. i also changed the advanced settings to read, (number1-5) true true both Everything works as planned, except when an attacker enters the territory, the announcer says, "Territory contested." Shouldn't it be the opposite? i thought he only said contested when a defender enters the territory at the same time as an attacker. anyone have any clue what i'm doing wrong? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I'm pretty sure it says territory contested when anyone enters a territory that does no already contain someone from that team.
I had always experienced "territory contested" when at least one player from each team are simultaneously in the territory. I don't recall a contest occurring when only one player from one team is in the territory. Is the case you are describing when only one player is in the territory? Now pyro has me wondering if i just never paid attention to what was happening around me...
Yes MrGreen. I'm referring to when only one player (the attacker) is in the territory. It doesn't say anything when both players are in the territory.