I forged a small map on sandbox the sky part. I put around 50 spawns onto my map and it still continues to spawn me down bottom where i have nothing forged. Can someone please help me with this. And recently while forging or going into customs on the same map, if i go in with a party it kicks him out until i reinvite him again. not sure if this is just a problem for now or if it will persist. Thanks in advance.
maybe try putting some starting points and stuff ( change the gametype to whatever the map is made for and you will be able to put start points)also maybe a respawn area, make sure that all of your objective markers are where they should be too because maybe that willl make a difference.
Switch the gametypes by hitting start>Change gametype while in monitor mode. This will allow you to place starting points and spawn areas for whatever gametypes you want. Just make sure to list supported types.
I have this problem too, it is solved like how Terrax said, however in the canvas you have I am guessing that you have deleted all of the stacked objects in the crypt, change the game mode, go in the crypt and check. If you did not use the canvas I think your using then that is all I got.