Help with Invasion Respawning

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mugo70, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. Mugo70

    Mugo70 Forerunner

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    Hey guys,

    So, nice and short, I have respawn zones (I used hill markers) and inside them I have respawn points. There is only one respawn zone in each phase per team. However, the players only respawn right under the hill markers, but I want them to respawn on the respawn points.


    Big rectangle -> Respawn Zone
    Equals signs = -> Respawn Points
    Plus sign + -> Spot right beneath the Hill Marker

    Using this scheme, this is what I mean:
    The equals signs (respawn points) are inside the big rectangle (respawn zones)
    I want the players to respawn on the equals signs (respawn points)
    But the players only respawn on the plus sign (spot right beneath the Hill Marker)

    So, is this possible? If yes, how?
    GT: Mugo70
  2. Dabobyjoeson

    Dabobyjoeson Forerunner

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    I believe not because invasion uses zones, not points
    you could try using an actual respawn zone instead of a hill, but the points should not affect the zone at all in the first place

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