I need some help with converting an entire powerpoint into one .gif file I have tried to do this by saving the entire powerpoint with the extension .gif, but all it does is convert each individual slide into .gif and separate them, help? Also I don't know whether this is the right place to post this?
I don't know much about this, and I might sound like an idiot, but what if you save the file as a Gif and opening it up with a diffenent program?
I would try that, but the problem is it separates each different slide into individual .gif's. So say I have 10 slides, I now have 10 .gif files. (to eguitarplaya33) Yea thats right (to Miraj)
Do the thing and get the 10 different gifs. Then open them in something like Ulead's GIF Animator (Gif animation & Web design software: Ulead GIF Animator - Home) and merge them somehow?
Mmm that might work, I need to buy that though and I'm pretty much broke, (being 15 and jobless :S) so I'll go looking for any free versions of those programs, thanks for that.