If someone has some free time on their hands and knows how to geo merge could you possibly help me out with my map, its only a little thing so it shouldnt take to long. Thanks
First, hello and welcome to ForgeHub! While I could have a moderator move this to the Forge Discussion forum, I think instead I'll do you a favor and point you to the exact thread that you're looking for. Forgemates! Are you looking for someone to forge with? If you post your question in that thread, more likely than not, you'll find someone willing to jump on and help you out (if my connection didn't suck so bad, I'd help you myself, as it doesn't take long to teach). Also be sure to have a look at our Forging 101 Forum. While I'm sure you already get the methods behind the madness, there's a wealth of information in there that will help you dramatically. Hope you get it figured out! ^_^
well done the guy above, Yes hes right this is in the wrong section and should be moved. how to geo-merge? simple. First take your box and surround it with walls (make sure they're close) now take your door and turn it upside down. push the door into the top of the box. Now try picking up the box and it should be pushed into the ground. if your in need of personal help send a message to someone via xbl or fh. Most people will be willing to help so don't be afraid. Just keep trying and you'll get there. There you go, if you have any problems msg me. hope that helped. - DRiSCOLL
If you have any problems with forging techniques, first go to the Forging 101 thing. If that doesn't answer your question. Ask a Mod about it and they will probubly reply. If you have any other questions feel free to ask me.