Hello, I'm fairly new on these forums. I've been browsing for years now though, so I know how these things go down. I'm not entirely sure if screenshots are required to ask people for testing a map, but I don't want to go through the whole process if unnecessary. I will update and adjust the post as needed/required. I've recently finished a remake of the Halo 1 map "Rat Race". Most everything is fine on it, except I've been having issues setting up gametypes on it. Whenever I try to go into an objective gametype, like Capture The Flag for instance, the game registers the map as "Not compatible for this gametype." I was wondering if someone could take a look at that. Having some people download and test this map would be wondrous! I'd like to be informed of any gameplay difficulties/issues that anyone experiences. If anyone finds that the weapon set is/has unbalanced/too many powerweapons. Before anyone downloads it, I must inform you that any areas/rooms that are not to scale are meant to be that way and are not issues with the map. I thought I'd add my own little touches so feedback on those would be nice as well! Thanks in advance to anyone that assists me in any way! All and any help is appreciated! Link to the map: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Update: The "Map Adoption" prefix was accidental.