READ THIS FIRST! Okay... what I'm asking is simple but I could not find this anywhere on the site. How do you get those Power-ups, Teleporter Arrows, and Doors/Teleporter Doors exactly inside a Wall/Box so that it shows outside just a little bit. EXAMPLE: The new Grifball arena this double experience weekend includes a picture of a man running with the ball using Teleporter Arrows and Power-ups. They are all exactly sticking out of the Box the same distance. PLEASE HELP ME BY DOING THE FOLLOWING! Give me a link to a page describing how Post how with great detail Eehhh.. link to video perhaps PLEASE DON'T DO THE FOLLOWING! Ignore this thread and don't give me and answer Spam this thread looking for your lost dog/child Lock this thread before I recieve an answer Thanks, now I just need to know how to do the same with Power-Ups! :haha: Remember, this is all for a great cause! :haha:
K, thanks I guese... Ya'll can lock this thread now or whatever you do. Yay! I can have super pro writing on the walls now!