YO, this is Scottie. I'd like a little assistance finishing up a map. Could someone help me do the following: 1. Fix Teleporters 2. Add a scenery (Optionial) 3. Make map work with Race gametype That is all. I hope to have my first Sonic track up soon
If you want help: 1. Search for the question you are asking. There are already threads on how to setup gametypes 2. Post pictures to help people understand what you are talking about and want to help. 3. Post an actual question or problem instead of just asking someone to do something for you. 4. Make your own damn map. I can tell you what scenery might be nice if you give me a picture, but otherwise I'm would post it myself and give you some credit. That is of course if you put a download link so people could see your map. Seriously HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT PEOPLE TO DO ALL THIS FOR YOU?