I'm sure many of you have played a version of the flash game, "Sniper Assassin" at some point in your life. Take the Shot! was inspired by this game, one player being the Sniper with a 1 minute time limit, one player being the Target (carrying a Jetpack "bomb"), and all others running around as civilians. It's best played with 6-12 players I'd imagine. I believe it hasn't been done before, but I could be wrong. If people are interested, I'm looking for forgers to create better and more environments to play on. Also looking for testers to see if everything runs smoothly and to give suggestions along with any comments below. (look below the pictures for details) Here's how it works, using somewhat of a test map I've thrown together: Sniper spawns here at an initial spawn. Target spawns at an initial spawn above a killzone and dies: Everyone else (plus Target after the 3 sec respawn) spawns here and enters the bottom teleporter (Alpha). The top teleporter (Bravo) does not appear at start and spawns in a few seconds after the target goes through, I'll explain it later. The difference between Target having a Jetpack (left) and a civilian (right). The building with the target (notice the random placement of alpha receiver teleporters). And an overview. As for the gametype, it is a slayer variant that utilizes leader traits to determine the Target (Suicide = 1 point). The Sniper gets 100 points if he eliminates the Target. If the sniper shoots a civilian, the Civilian respawns and goes through Bravo teleporter to kill the sniper for 100 points. For Testers: I should be free Tuesday (tomorrow) and Thursday at 7:00 PM EST. Send me a message at GT: AwTheHumanity saying you'd like to try it and which day(s), I'd greatly appreciate it. I will reply back on XBL to let you know I got your message, and then send out invites at the time. Looking for a minimum of 4 players, max of 10 for each day. For Forgers: I barely scrapped this map together, so I'm looking for others who are more talented who like the idea to make their own versions. I'm picturing settings of parks, houses, sidewalks, and maybe even a car chase scene? Only problem is, the spawning/teleporter system is a bit complicated, along with the trait zones. Also, maps are difficult to design because every nook and cranny must be able to been seen by the Sniper at some angle. Check on my fileshare at the end of this week for my test map and the gametype to see how it was built. If you'd like to hear me explain it, come to one of the tests. You can also FR me, I'd be happy to work with you to get the spawning to work, and then you can build the rest. So... good idea? I'd love to hear feedback and possibly throw another minigame into the mix of Crash-up Derby, Jenga, and Duck Hunt.