Hey guys. I need some help finishing my map. There's a gapping hole in the middle and I don't know what i should fill it with. Here are some pics... Download the WorkInProgress As you can see, it's empty. If you want to help please message me. GT = Prong23
wow those are some nice bases. tbh i cant really give you any great ideas. all i can really duggest is that you just fill it with random crap, maybe piling stuff up in different combinations till something hits you and your like 'wow that looks cool'
You definitely want some sort of structure in the middle, not just random crap. Probably a decent sized structure with multiple entrances, windows, and surrounded by columns would be good. Don't take my word for it, though.
Make a multi-tiered structure. On the ground level, make it open with lots of columns. On the second, make narrow hallways that'd be excellent for BR battles, and if you want a third/top level, make it a roof with a complete view of the map, but have little cover. Bam. =]
I like the idea of a big structure in the middle, but I don't want some blocky square building just sitting in the middle of the map. I kinda want something abstract and (yes) multi-leveled, as well as something that isn't like building a scarab or anything like that (even though that would be pretty awesome, but way too redundant haha). Thanks for your help though.
if you toss up a link, or send me the map on xbl, ill try and fill it tonite. I cant garuntee anything, but if you like what i get done, you can either use it, or work off it. just give me some credit. also, if you do let me work on it, do you want the focus on gameplay inside the structure, or around the bases?
Well I can't get the link up tonight because I'm not at home but as soon as I get home I'll update the post with a link. I would most definitely give you credit (if I like what I see).
hey if you want ill help ill save numerous versions and recomend them to you hook me up tL BennyBhoy x
I would say fill it with a cylinder-shaped structue with two or three levels, and maybe suspended pathways leading from the base's to the tower's second level. A tower like the tower in Halo 2's Desolation or Backwash.
For how simple the killball idea is, I like it! And I just thought up an plan to surround it. Thanks for all your help. I guess I just needed to jump start my noodle (hehe I called my brain a noodle).
I recommend that next time you design your layout in full before starting to forge, to avoid this situation - where you end up having to compromise because you would be throwing away a lot of time by starting over. The result, however, is a map you are unlikely to be fully satisfied with. So get out the pen and paper before you even think about turning your console on!
Agreed. Some people get right to forging because of a sensation or an idea they have, but the smartest thing to to do would be to write it down and add-on to the idea on your written layout until you have what you think could be a complete map in Forge.
Not to be a douche or anything, but it is kinda obvious that one should "draw" it down rather than randomly adding things to a blank map due to the sudden urge to forge and built up excitement. I always draw my maps out before starting a map. I just thought it would be fun to get some ideas from the community. I feel like there is more than just my mind that should pin-point the idea of a "great" map. A map that everyone could put feedback into, rather than asking for criticism after posting it, because I probably would never get around to actually putting in the advise towards a V2, where I can add a bit of everything that everyone has given me on this thread. Thanks though, and sorry if I come off as an ass. I sincerely did not mean to.
Try making something similar to this You seem to have a considerable amount of budget left and i think the middle base of waterworks if re created would fit quite niceily
I'd say there needs to be something circular in the middle, possibly something resembling the middle of Guardian, but multi-leveled. It's hard to explain without forging it but I'm thinking like three circular platforms with a hole in the middle of each of them, on top of each other with a grav lift at the bottom leading to the top and ramps leading to the middle platform.