Just got my xbox live back and updated it, now i can't load any maps for halo3. Legit, like Gaurdian it says "Player failed to load content" Help? please? ...pretty please?
your disc is scratched, as mine is also....i dont have isolation, nor high ground, nor any campaign maps, for the past couple months. I can only suggest buying a new disc, sorry
Same happened to me. I cannot access Guardian or certain lelels of campaign. Your disc is damaged. If you'd like to see Guardian again, you'll need a new copy of Halo 3.
I'm moving this to Halo Discussion ... i suggest not mentioning Rep in that way, as you're liable for an infraction.
umm, well i know that "play 'n' trade" gamestore can fix scratches, i think. im not sure if they have one where u live. i only have one, my friend got like 3 disc's fixed almost perfectly. they might've been because they were minor scratches.
if you have a Replay games store in your area go there because they should have a machine that gets the scratches out(i have a Replay in my area and they have that machine). just wondering but did you or anybody bump your 360 while it was playing cause that might be how it got scratched(it has happened to my cousin) but yea if there is a Replay Games in your area go there, they should have the machine thing
As with everyone mentioning a gamestore being able to repair disks, some don't. Although I do know that video rental stores are closer to people than some game stores, so I would try going to a game store and getting it fixed. I have the huge circle on my disk and it wouldn't let me play the last level in campaign, so I took it to a local Family Video and they didn't quite get the circle off, but they did make it so I could play all the levels again. Although if you want to go there, I believe that they charge 2 or 3 dollars to get it fixed.