Hey everyone. My mum has given me some money so I can now go buy a new game. My problem is that I'm not positive on what game I want. That's why I'm asking you all to give any recommendations on what game I should buy. I'm mainly into FPS but I also like RPG's and 3rd person shooters. These are the games I've thought of getting: Bioshock 2 Alan Wake Borderlands Dragon Age: Origins Final Fantasy XIII Battlefield: Bad Company 2 All suggestions are welcome, they don't have to be the above games but I'd like for them to be of similar genre.
Wait about three months and you can be one of the first people to get your choice of like 7 totally new games. I think waiting is always the best option.
^This Although if you really want to get a game now could you tell us what genre of games you enjoy the most. Although I would have to say either DAO or Borderlands.
You could wait which i would do or buy a game. I don't really liking recommending games becaue everyone has their different opinions about the games. If you really like Muiltiplayer online Battle Field bad Company 2 it has a very good setup for online muiltiplayer. This is my opinion but you can still get this game if you want: Borderlands it is very fun at the start but gets real repetitive very fast i only got to level 20 and i was bored crapless. I don't really have any experiences with any of those other games so i can't really recommend on those. If i were you i would wait and save money, Especially for Halo Reach
Depends what kind of games you like or want. Of your choices I only really see Borderlands and Dragon Age and BFBC2 as real options. If you at all can, get DA for the PC. It's better that way obviously (as a D&D game), and I made the mistake of buying it for Xbox. Borderlands is pretty fun, but I'd wait on a GOTY edition if it's not out yet. Perhaps try to expand your horizons with some lesser known (but reallllly good!) other game styles? Try Lost Odyssey, it's a 4-disc JRPG that is pretty difficult but it's so brilliantly done you may have a hard time putting it down. Most of the characters, the story, the gameplay, the music...all comes together wonderfully. You can get it for >$30 at Gamestop, used. Starcraft 2 just came out, and it's awesome. It's for PC, but worth looking into because it's awesome...it's the sequel to one of the greatest games ever, and most likely the greatest RTS game ever. In addition, if you're at all into PC games, try out Counter-Strike Source and Team Fortress 2 (even if you have the Orange Box for 360). The Orange Box is also a pretty good deal for Xbox, but I'd recommend it on the PC, also with Garry's Mod 10.
This entire last paragraph (besides the Starcraft two part) is the greatest suggestion ever. Team Fortress is one of the most fun games to play on the PC and every game is different. Coupled with Garry's Mod 10, you can create your own maps, games, etc. OR play others' games. I personally like Tower Defense
Bad Company 2 would be my first choice. It has easy and fun multiplayer. Sniping is awesome. Judjing where they'll be since you have to take gravity into effect.
I'll be the first to suggest Bioshock 2, especially if you played the first Bioshock. The game (story-wise) is brilliant, however feels a little used as they didn't beef up the engine too much or at all for the matter. Nonetheless it's an enthralling story, and I recommend going in to see how Rapture has changed since Bioshock. Plus with the new weapons and plasmid combos it really revives the game-play. Also the multiplayer is a hidden gem. It is a good break from the norm and is surprisingly very fun. The community is decently sized with many dedicated players always on. There is also already 2 DLC packs out which add new maps, gun attachments and aesthetic accessories for your in-game avatar. If you plan to get a game now, (out of your picks) I'd go with this one.
i'd say red dead if you don't have it, but since its not on your list ill say bad company 2. i've only played it once but it is SOOO much fun
If you enjoy multiplayer games, get BC2. If you don't get bored of RPGs, get Borderlands. Lots of replayability for me, since I personally love RPGs. If you really like singleplayer games, get Bioshock 2. Its meant to be shorter than the original, but with a just as good, if not better, campaign. I haven't play Bioshock 2 yet, so I don't really know. Your choice.
^From me, Final Fantasy XIII gets a 8.6. A great game, though if you aren't up to it, post-game adventures are dull as hell when you've just recently finished the main story. I know it gets much better when I progress further in the leveling system, so occasionally I'll pop the disc back in and do a little more. It's always still somewhat fun each round, anyway, though some sort of DLC would be nice.
FF XIII would probably take the most time to complete, and thus, the best game to buy. But in reality, I would wait. There are tons of games coming out later this year that would be a better use of your money.
Borderands is great but DAO is a no-go. Dragon Age is just not that fun. The combat is fine but the story is meh and I don't like how the game plays out, the weapon system, fighting, inventory, equipment. The Mass Effect games are great. Lost Planet 2 is great. But DAO is meh.
^This. Well, the Red Dead Redemption part anyways; I tried Bad Company 2 and didn't like it at all, whereas I got Red Dead because I thought it looked good and my friends had a lot of fun with it; almost 30 hours into the game, and I still haven't gotten bored once. It really is amazing game, and I'd definitely highly recommend it. It's like, super worth it. Definitely more than a day of guaranteed playtime; you won't want to put the controller down!
I would really recommend Red Dead Redemption. I just completed the single player and it was awesome. The multiplayer is pretty good too if you get someone to play with.