I am planning stuff for my next map and came cross a major obstacle in the map. In the back halls of foundry how could one get a bridge standing upright. I imagine it would be incredibly hard. Could I get under the map and do the merge upward. It may not be possible. (I am sure it is you just don't think of it. If you could give me any help on this I will give you a cookie. As you can probably guess. The red column in the middle is the place I want the bridge to be in. Thank you for all help. ~forgegod117~
I beleive you've seen xamples of my merging, and might have seen my merging tut. toss me an invite whenev.. gt: ExtreemKablooie
I would, however, I am sadly out with a case of RROD. In the meantime am brainstorming for a strong followup after crevice. I woul like to know if it is possible. If it is I would have an amazing idea.
stand it up agaisnt the wall out side the hallway, merge it in, and once you get it on the other side, start to pull it down to even it out
Thank you. I have one more question. Since my idea would require most bridges. Is this possible with a double wall. And thank you for your reply. Your merges are simply amazing and you shall recieve your ookie. Mace= 1 cookie. ~forgegod17~
*throws cookie at wall cuz its not oatmeal rasin* yeah, but you might want to use a bridge, as a wall would be cramped.
Once I get back from my ski trip I will have a nice diagram of what I am trying to acheive. It is different than the sketchup shows. Also If you have any furthur conversation lets drag it to visitor messages as it is starting to turn into a conversation board. Actually i will start on it right now. Mace= -1 chocolate cookie mace= +1 oatmeal rasin cookie. ~forgegod117~
uh i would attempt it the way mace recomended first... but under the map is also a good solution... b/c i think u will need to merge it quite deep to get it in to the hallway from the back... but underneath will take a couple of tries.. i would go under personally... but i dont think i would use doors... its a pretty consumed merge so u might have to keep trying to get it in the middle of the halway,...
Ok Iv been thinking of how too do this merge and i think the best bet is under the map. LOL. B/c its a bridge, you can not merge it in like its a box. Or mabey try geo the long way, which the im thinkng you wont want too do. But really thats a geomerge i would just not try too do for any maps. Takes alot of time and 'Know hows' too get it right. Best bet is too go under, unless some one know how too get it done and donr right. gl with the map