help has been gotten, skip this thread Hi, I am working on a map, I have tested it three times, and the second two times have been a lot of fun. but this time, I heard that the weapon placement caused the map to be a casual map instead of a competitive map. I need someone who is very good with weapon placements to give me a hand fixing the weapons to make the map competitive? just add me on xbox live my gamertag is used man HELP IS NO LONGER NEEDED
Or perhaps you could check the thread right below this on phycoligly (or however its spelled) it answers this question (to a degree, but it should still help)
could you elaborat, and perhaps give a weapon list, if you have to many good weapons without the right conditions for it, its more casual (good weapon include BR, Carbines SMG/Plasma rifle next to each other etc)
This wouldn't happen to be wall street would it? If it is I don't think you should aim for competitive. Just all the vehicles you have alone would make it casual, but that's not a bad thing. Casual maps aren't worse than competitive, they just have more casual gameplay, and that's what wall street had. I think it's fine as it is being casual.
yes, I am talking about wall street. I personally think that vehicles do not determine how competitive, take avalanche for an example. avalanche includes all the vehicles of wall street plus a warthog, does that cause it to become not competitive? I don't think so. one of the real reasons that I am trying so hard to make it competitive, many people here myself included dont even look at the casual maps section any more. that would cut the amount of views and downloads in half.